


Many ancient civilisations have been using crystals for centuries - for healing, protection, talismans and amulets. In fact, the reference to the use of crystals throughout history is numerous.


I believe that crystals are a wonderful way of enhancing the energy not only to the wearer but also around the home and place of business.


I see crystals as energetic ornaments. Not only looking fantastic, like pieces of art but also working away cleansing and enhancing the energy of the atmosphere within the home. A ‘must’ for the healthy home.


I keep a selection of beautiful crystals for sale to my clients, and also, should they wish, can source particular items as required.

Crystals, gemstones and minerals have not only been prized for their beauty but also have been renowned throughout history for their healing and spiritual properties. 

Agate is a type of variegated chalcedony. Each class of agate provides different properties and attributes.

Agates are powerful healing and grounding stones. They aid in stabilising the body - harmonizing yin and yang as well as negative and positive energies, strengthening the body and mind.


Is a wonderful sedative for nerves and helps calm the mind. Gently dissolves old, outdated patterns of behaviour verbal, emotional or physical encouraging new ways to express one’s emotions. It is also useful for headaches.  This is a great nurturing stone.  Good for cooling hot tempers and stress. 


Has a strong protective energy helping dispel fears. Holding a fire agate can effortlessly uncover problems/issues for self-introspection, helping one be the best one can be.  Linked with the fire element it can be used to “fires-up” one’s entire system and burn away any blocks or negative energy in the aura. Wonderful stone of transmutation.


A stabilising stone strongly connected with nature and was often used as a talisman to farmers. A stone of new beginnings which is strongly connected to all activities of productivity, growth and regeneration. It can reconnect one back to earth if stability is required reducing stress and eliminating depression. 


An extremely powerful stone with a high spiritual vibration. It transmutes lower energies into higher frequencies on both the spiritual and ethereal levels. Balances the energies of the mind as well as the emotional and physical bodies. stone of spirituality and contentment and known.


A stone which will give freedom from the influence of others. Calming and soothing to the emotions it is a wonderful stone to aid meditation helping one to go with your own “flow”. Promotes mental and emotional stability. Used as a protection for the aura to shield against anger, envy and hostility of every kind. Aquamarine is helpful when one is “swamped” by responsibility bringing order and understanding to the situation.


Commonly used as a good luck stone and carries the healing powers of the green earth. It releases the heart from emotional stress allowing one’s heart and soul to be balanced and healthy. Teaches one to show sympathy and compassion to others and self. Is known to help with creativity, decisiveness and clarity.


A feel-good stone. Balances the male/female energies allowing one to “see” both sides of a problem or point of view. Reduces self-damaging behaviour bringing clarity and awareness to one’s unwanted, out-dated patterns.  An effective stone to aid blocking geopathic stress and electromagnetic pollution. 


A resin that solidified and became fossilised over millions of years. It has a strong connection with the earth and is an excellent grounding stone. Purifies the body, mind and spirit and is a powerful chakra cleanser and healer. Amber alleviates stress emitting a bright, sunny and soothing energy. 


A stabilising earth healing stone which gently grounds physical energy to the earth. Can be used to clear geopathic stress and blocked ley-lines.  Aragonite can help when support is required where one many feel overwhelmed or over-burdened giving a cloak of security and earthly comfort.


Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Having a piece of calcite in a room cleanses all negative energies in the immediate surroundings.  Calcite comes in an array of colours which all have additional specific beneficial influences which works on all areas of the body and aura.


A calming stone which will bring your awareness of ones need for rest and relaxation. Helpful in releasing stress and alleviating anxieties. Aids with the lowering of blood pressure and can give relief from pain. Its soothing qualities will help ease frayed nerves and gently release negative emotions. 


A mental healer. This stone will restore stability to anything destructive on an energy level. Helpful in breaking down old outdate patterns and programming allowing one to gain new perspective.


A wonderful stone for balancing the emotions, removing fear and overcoming mental breakdown, depression and feelings of being submerged and completely overburdened. An uplifting stone helping one to feel uplifted, joy and happiness. 


Red calcite releases stagnant energy blocks, promoting the urge for one to take action to move forward. Helps change old unhelpful patterns into positive healthy ones.  Alleviates and dissolves fear helping one become more confident with new changes.


The keyword for this stone is Joy. This crystal never needs cleansing as it absorbs, transmutes and dissipates negative energy.  Due to its abilities of cleansing and regeneration it can work-out problems on the physical and subtle levels.  A stone of abundance which is often known as the “Merchant’s Stone” as it attracts wealth, prosperity and success. Citrine revitalises the mind helping to think through one’s difficulties and explore all avenues to find the best solution. Stimulating mental wisdom helping overcoming depression and promoting inner calm. 


A very effective grounding and protective stone. Enhances mental capability, promoting clarity which aids concentration and practical, original thinking. 

Assists with transforming negative energy to pure universal light. Helps with mental, emotional and physical exhaustion.


A grounding stone offering great protection against negativity. Jasper brings problems to light before they become overwhelming – providing understanding and insight into the most difficult situations. A good, slow and steady healing stone. An excellent stone to help dream recall. (American Indian Shamans used it for journeying to other realms.) 


A very stabilising and uplifting stone which channels positive energy to the wearer. Eliminates worries and distress. Helps one to recognise which appropriate steps are required to change and bring clarity to a situation benefiting and increasing one’s overall well-being. 


A stone of “total awareness” helping to expand awareness and intellect providing objectivity and clarity. Encourages creativity using one’s natura gifts and skills. Lapis is known to hold the energy of the “Spirit of Truth” allowing one to give voice to their inner truth promoting self-expression.


A stone of motivation and visualisation. Helpful when trying to sort through ideas which need to be brought into form or fruition.  Generates passion and joy. Can assist with unconditional love where situations are difficult. 


Known as the “Stone of Transformation” assisting one in changing situations. Malachite can balance and bring harmony. An excellent stone for clarifying the emotions allowing one to heal emotional blocks to create space for spiritual growth. Helps with anxiety and depression by absorbing negative energies – releasing and drawing out pain. 


An excellent grounding stone. A benevolent stone which cannot be misused as only positive energy can work within its sphere of influence. Placed beside one’s bed or under a pillow, Obsidian can draw out mental stress and tension. As nothing can be hidden, lost or forbidden from Obsidian caution is required as it may also bring up the source of the stress and tension which may be confronting (Using Snowflake Obsidian or Apache Tear would provide a gentler approach.)


Apache Tear is a form of Black Obsidian but has a much gentler vibration. Ease and help release pain, loss, sadness and anger allowing one to heal and go on with life. The name represents the tears shed by Native American women after death of loved ones.  An excellent stone for grounding and protection.


Black Obsidian with inclusions of a white mineral – Phenocryst. When polished the Phenocryst looks like snowflakes. Snowflake obsidian calms, soothes and balances the body mind and spirit. It allows one to recognise old, outdated patterns to help promotes new positive behaviour. 


This mineral provides a wonderful shield against negative energy on all energetic levels. Pyrite dispels despondency and despair quickly relieving anxiety and frustration raising one’s self-worth and confidence. 


This stone is known as the “Master Healer”.  It is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier.  It is the most abundant mineral on the earth’s surface.  Beneficial to all healing as it raises energy to the highest possible level.  Clear Quartz is a ‘feel better” stone, re-energizing ad harmonizing all the chakras bringing alignment and balance.   


The stone of unconditional love and peace. A stone for the heart. A stone which helps with emotional release and balance. It transmits a soft loving energy which is calming and reassuring emotionally. Gently draws off negative energy replacing it with loving nurturing energy. 


A strong, efficient, grounding and anchoring stone. Dissipates negative energy fields and patterns which have been generated from lower vibrational thought forms such as anger and resentment. Promotes positivity and stops depression and restriction. Smoky Quartz can be used to help block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog. 


A variety of quartz with black tourmaline rods growing through it. Combines the forces of light and darkness into harmony.  A particularly effective grounding stone which can aids those who wish to heal their ‘shadow side’. Effectively assists those who tend to self-sabotage. 


An excellent stone for the mind. Helps with logic, ideas, perception, creative expression and truth. Aids confusion and mental unrest. Encourages self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-trust and trust in others. Sodalite is a useful stone for blocking electromagnetic pollution and smog. Sodalite brings emotional and mental calm helping one to release core fears, phobias and guilt.


Selenite is a stone of very high vibration. A mental and spiritual expander bringing clarity of mind aiding focus and growth. Helps one to see the inner workings of any situation and understand the deeper meanings of the same, helping the decision-making process. A large piece of selenite placed in the centre of the home ensures a peaceful atmosphere. 


Like its name, Sunstone brings in the vibrancy of the sun to help connect with one’s own source of light. Sunstone transmutes negative energies into positive loving energy.  It is a strong stone which helps dissipate fearfulness and stress reversing the feelings of failure. Sunstone increases vitality facilitating self-empowerment encouraging optimism and a positive attitude.


This stone brings together the vibrations of sand and sunlight, combining the energies of the earth and the sun. Resonating with the earth it is an excellent stone providing stability and grounding. Encourages healing with issues such as low self-worth and self-esteem creating improved self-confidence and self-expression. 


Not only combining the qualities of (golden) Tigers Eye, Red Tigers Eye is a wonderful booster stone helping overcome lethargy. Helpful with those who may feel emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. A great stone for aiding verbal communication and public speaking. 


A stone of vision. A great stone for balancing the emotional and physical sides of one’s nature. Helps one stay present and provides grounding when required. Helps facilitate re-birthing allowing one to move forward dissolving energy blocks from the past which have been hampering one’s growth.

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