Vibrational Medicine

vibrational medicine

Vibrational Medicine is a healing system which uses the art of dowsing to identify or get to the root cause of a problem which is causing dis-ease within a person. Vibrational Medicine is a holistic treatment which encompasses a wide range of complementary therapies from Homeopathy to Kinesiology.


Almost everything we touch and see has a vibrational frequency or energy. At the particle level - all matter is really energy. If we are beings of energy it then follows that we can be affected by energy, as every living thing has a vibrational frequency.


Sometimes our frequency, due to dis-ease within the body can get out of balance or 'blocked' and using vibrational medicine, the balance can be restored and blockages released. A complete rebalancing and bringing the body back to a healthier state.


It is a natural treatment which is safe, non-invasive with no contraindications completely treating the body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

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